Saturday 9 February 2008

Rules of the Wire

1. Play or be played
2.As such, life be divided into two camps; playas and playdas. Playdough may be shared between the two.
3. Everybody who aspires for any kind of power over their fellow man must be prepared to become really, really wealthy.Anyone who aspires to do good for their fellow man must settle with just really wealthy.
4. If you're going to be corrupt, be really corrupt. Swap bin liners full of cash for bin liners full of heroin. In broad daylight.
5. If you're police, drink a lot of alcohol. The more you're drinking, the better you can assess crime scenes or some shit like that.
6. The male/female role dichotomy cannot be broken, though there is considerable moral flexibility. Ditto police brutality.
7. Sheeeeit.
8. White men make very bad drug dealers. They try to hide this fact by doing bad impressions of black people.
9. If you're going into an interrogation thinking that you won't have to mentally or physically torture a suspect, you probably will.
10. If know how to pronounce someone's name, you will then have to learn how to un-pronounce it, bastardise it, or screw with it in some other way. THIS IS MANDATORY.
11. You fuck with me, I'll kill your whole family.
12. While drinking alcohol has the predictable effect of making the police drunk, violent and fucked up, drinking coffee and tea appear to have absolutely no effect on the smart, capable yet refreshingly laid back drug kingpins
13. If you are going to run a city, make sure it has a murder rate equivalent to a quiet mid after noon Baghdad. Or two Groznys.
14. The best, the absolute pinnacle of what you can hope to accomplish is to be a murdering, robbing, chain-smoking sodomite. Man up.
15. All accents are suspect. The thesps are clean, you can trust them.
16. S'all in the game, yo. Outside the game there will be refreshments served. (no vegans)

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